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AbunDance :: Full Moon Special :: Cacao Dance Ceremony

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AbunDance :: Full Moon Special :: Cacao Dance Ceremony

De EUR 25,00



Oct 13 2019 18:45 - 23:30


🍂🌕 🍂 On this first Full Moon in Autumn
our Urban AbunDance-Phoenix spreads its wings in a Ceremonial Way again: We'll share the potent Medicine of Cacao alongside our always present Music & Dance Vibes to dive deep into the preparation for Winter, so that we can meet and allow what wants to decompose from a full summer, what wants to transform and also come to a closing. There will be moments of deep embodied silence as there will be moments to celebrate whatever arises: the light and the dark. We're here to dance it all together!

18:45 Doors open (please be on time for this one)
19:15 Opening & Cacao Ritual
19:45 Movement Meditation & Singing
20:45 AbunDance DJ Set
22:45 Sound Healing, Sharing & Closing
23:30 Doors close

Haus Lebenskunst
Mehringdamm 34
2. HH (Backyard) 10961 Berlin

(Please notice: Limited Tickets)
Full Moon Dance Ceremony including Cacao Ritual, DJ-Set,
Live-Music & Ceremonial Dose of Cacao
REGISTRATION // Ticket-Sales:
starting close to the September Full Moon, lucky: Friday, 13.09.
(Ticket-Link then)
Early Phoenix 25,00€
until 🌑 New Moon: Saturday, 28.09.
Regular Phoenix 30,00€
until 🌔 Saturday, 12.09., 12:00

It might be that we have a few "at the door tickets" available
(Late Phoenix 35€), but this is only certain the day of the Ceremony: for that, please check the latest posts/discussions in this event.

// ANIR LEBEN loves movement in the voice and in the body and hosts different spaces as a singer, dancer and mistress of ceremony. She teaches Contact Improvisation, hosts Singing Circles and gives Concerts, marries people to themselves as the "Priestess of wild hearts and free self-love" and recently founded the "Earthmothers", a project gathering women without human children. In her work she mainly highlights the exploring mind, self-responsibility, freedom and aliveness.
More Infos:

// ALMA ∞ OMEGA is a devote disciple to the Deva-of-the-dopest-beat, humble slave to the rhythm, and dedicatedly obsessed in serving the wide spectrum of Soul-Medicine-Womb-Tech Musika-Magika that is flooding the planet: saturating us with life-force, wisdom & wildness, re-activating our innate power, our human hearts.
Alma ∞ Omega is the co-founder of Berlin-based gatherings Lucid and Cacaophany, and has been passionately opening portals of magic with music-dance-community since she started Djing in 2004. Alma weaves golden strands of consciousness-meets-playfulness, creating alchemical spaces of transformation, celebration, healing and releasing...She is an avid believer in the power of DANCE and MUSIC to elevate & connect the spirit of humanity: allowing us to get back to the basics, our roots, our hips, our hearts, our dogma on the dancefloor...just a dream within a dream within a dream we dream together: a dream we are learning to navigate as we collectively Awake.



Lebenskunst e.V. Lebenskunst e.V., Mehringdamm 34, 10961 Berlin


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