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AmnAsia - 5th Edition

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AmnAsia - 5th Edition

De EUR 5,00



Oct 03 2022 20:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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AmnAsia: Amnesia of Asia – Presentation of Asian Performing Artists Lab (APAL) 5. Edition

AmnAsia is the presentation of works-in-progress by Berlin/Germany-based performing artists with Asian background after joining a residency program that offers creative exchanges, collaborations and experiments.

APAL@AmnAsia is the residency program of Asian Performing Artists Lab (APAL), that offers Berlin/Germany-based performing artists with Asian background the opportunity to work in an environment surrounded by other performing artists with asian background and where they can share experiences, resources and knowledge with each other. It is also a space where they can support, as well as stimulate each other's artistic processes and works. At APAL@AmnAsia performance-making is not only about how we make works, but also about how we co-exist and thrive together.

After a 6-day intensive residency, the participating artists present their works-in-progress at AmnAsia to the audience, followed by an artist-talk. It is explicitly not production-oriented, but focuses on artistic processes and experimentations with ideas, approaches, ways of working, or whatever challenges or fascinates the artists. They have the autonomy to work with themes that concern them, as well as determine their own aesthetics and voices in their works. AmnAsia is a reminder of the risk of erasure that asian artists face in a predominantly white society and that we must resist it.

This editions artists:

Aroh Akunth (India)
Harshini J. Karunaratne (Sri Lanka/Peru)
Manwinder Dhanjal (Germany)
Senja Katharina Brütting (Germany)
Wu Ting-Chia / 吳挺嘉 (Taiwan)
Alvin Collantes (The Philippines) + Jun Suzuki / 鈴木 純 (France/Japan)

Organisation and co-curation: Ming Poon
Co-curation: Frederika Tsai
Communication: Jingyun Li
Dramaturgical support: Dandan Liu
Production management: MIFRUSH Production (Micaela Trigo and Urszula Heuwinkel)
Project assistant: Lee Mun Wai
Graphic design: Hùng Kiều
Video design: Celia Staffa
Photo documentation: Olivia Kwok
Video documentation: Isabelle Schmitz and Baskoro A.Widyono
Technical support: Haesoo Jung, Andreas Bracht
Jury: Ariel William Orah, Frederika Tsai, Ming Poon
Workshop facilitator: Promona Sengupta

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.


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Das Berliner Ringtheater Macht Kritisch(es) Theater. Es ist ein Produktionsort, an dem gesellschaftskritische Neue Dramatik und performative Darstellungsformen zur Aufführung kommen. Seit 2017 ermöglichen wir jungen Theatermacher*innen Raum für ihre Themen, Formate und Arbeitsweisen und unterstützen sie in ihren Vorhaben durch eine heterarchische Infrastruktur.


Berliner Ringtheater Berliner Ringtheater, Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin


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