Brand Booster
Brand Booster
Ab 120,00 EUR
What: Brand Booster Workshop
When: June 4th // from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Supercharge your brand
If you are a busy entrepreneur, startup or freelance professional, chances are that brand building is not at the top of your list. The only time that your brand takes center stage is when you feel that you haven’t tapped into the full potential of branding and you know that something is holding you back.
This course will take you through well defined action-steps that can be easily implemented to boost your brand experience. You will be provided by Benno’s secret brand building formula so you can lead your business to much greater success. The BRAND BOOSTER! workshop is full of examples that will have you looking at your business in a whole new light.
The workshop is ideal for startups, freelancers and entrepreneurs looking to build and grow their very own brand. A strong brand helps you to charge higher prices, work with only the customers you want, recruit highly motivated employees and create much more customer engagement.
Early Bird Ticket available until 19th of March for 120 euro.
You will learn why a Brand is much more than a logo and why your logo still counts. We will start to create your a Brand Identity and you will soon realise why emotions count. Dig deeper with discovering your brand values, learn what brand positioning is good for and what that damn USP is all about. You will define your target groups with creating personas, create a compelling brand story and learn how to use branded content for your marketing. In the end we will dive into tips and ways to grow your brand even further with tools like offline events, audio branding, e-mail marketing and so much much more...
INSTRUCTOR: Benno Sawitzki
Benno Sawitzki is an expert in branding, digital marketing and e-commerce. He runs his own marketing agency EFFEKTLABOR for more then ten years now and gives regular keynotes at events like the Entrepreneurship Summit, Startup Camp or Music Tech Fest to name a few. He’s inspired by great design, innovative business concepts and the latest trends in technology and marketing. Running several MeetUps in Berlin like the Masters of Marketing MeetUp or the Music Marketing Meetup he is always in touch with the core of Berlins creative entrepreneurs. Besides business he loves electronic music, nature & traveling and all kinds of freaky spiritual stuff.
After completing this course you will receive a certificate from betahaus | Academy.
Drop us a line at
Please print your ticket and bring it to the workshop!
A free cancellation of your order is possible until 7 days before the workshop/ course starts.
A cancellation within 7-0 days before the workshop/ course will be charged with 100% of the ticket price.
In case of illness you have to hand in a doctors certificate. Then we can refund you 100%
Please note: In the event of a refund (for any reason) the booking fee for the relevant event will not be refunded by Billetto.
betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin
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Brand Booster
Ab 120,00 EUR