Cacao Ceremony & Sound Journey
Cacao Ceremony & Sound Journey
Ab 48,00 EUR
Cacao Ceremony • Sound Journey
We invite you on a journey of the heart, to rest and realign your entire body through ceremonial grade Theobromine, ecstatic healing and transformation.
We will call in Ixcacao, the spirit of Cacao. After connecting to Ixcacao, we will gently take you on a guided journey. Through divine flow and your own inner guidance the compass of your heart will be revealed.
Join us as we gather to share the power of the heart opening medicine of Cacao, through meditation and sonic journeying.
1) A pashmina/scarf as temperatures are variable.
2) comfortable, easy clothes
3)a fallen leaf from a tree
4) reusable water bottle - Filtered water and cups are available
Mats will be provided .
1) Eating a heavy meal for an hour before as it will slow down the Cacao absorption in the body - there is no need to fast beforehand unless you wish to. Have a good lunch and or snack earlier!
2) Avoid Caffeine in the hours before as Cacao contains theobromine which is a similar chemical compound and a small amount of caffeine, but together will give you quite an unwanted distractible "buzziness".
*NOTE*: Please private message either by fb inbox in advance if you are taking any form of ANTI-DEPRESSANTS as the chemicals in the medicine and the natural theobromine interact in the liver and can cause nasty migraines at the doses we work with - we will simply need to reduce your dose of Cacao!
Looking forward to joining with you in Sacred Cacao Ceremony.
Digestive welcoming tea, energized water and nourishing treats will also be available to you throughout the experience.
Cost Contribution:
You must pre-register to hold your seat,
contact or send directly email to
If you are having difficulty with coming up with the contribution please reach out - few reduced spots available!
Please RSVP /book ticket early due to limited number of participants.
Be on time, the doors will be close as this is a group experience.
House of Light, Körtestraße 38, 10967 Berlin
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Falls mehr Tickets verfügbar werden, wirst du benachrichtigt (per Email), sowie andere der Liste beigetreten sind. Käufe finden auf einer First-come-first-serve Basis statt. Für mehr Information, hier lesen.
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Erstattungsschutz sichert dich ab, falls unvorhergesehene und unumgängliche Umstände dich daran hindern, am Event teilzunehmen. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.
Cacao Ceremony & Sound Journey
Ab 48,00 EUR