Cluster #34 w/ ensemble mosaik and Experimental Film Screening - 100 Jahre Luigi Nono
Cluster #34 w/ ensemble mosaik and Experimental Film Screening - 100 Jahre Luigi Nono
Ab 10,00 EUR
Cluster #34 100 Jahre Luigi Nono: Fragmente – Stille, an Diotima
On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Luigi Nono, Labor Neunzehn is delighted to welcome the ensemble mosaik as a string quartet for the Cluster Series 2024 in a double event with experimental film and music.
In “Fragmente – Stille, an Diotima” (1979/80), Luigi Nono inserted 47 fragments from poems by Friedrich Hölderlin, 12 of them from Diotima, into the score in 52 places, not as references intended for verbal performance, but as “silent songs from other spaces, from other skies, so as not to let go of hope in a different way”. An intimate dialogue between music, poetry and the spirit of utopia. The film screening is curated by Valentina Besegher.
Luigi Nono was active in the musical avant-garde of the 50s and 60s and is known for his political commitment as well as for his music and his innovative use of text, voice, scenic actions and focus on listening. Artistically shaped at the Darmstadt Academy of Music, Nono, together with other important voices of post-war music such as Karlheinz Stockhausen, Pierre Boulez and Bruno Maderna, belonged to a generation of composers whose works redefined the canon of musical language for years to come and opened up new worlds of sound and musical horizons.
Cluster is a new-music series devoted to the investigation of sound and notation, which provides musicians and composers with an exchange area in Berlin, at the crossroad of compositional and performance practices.
A. Film Screening Programme
Along the bodies
Entlang der Körper
by Antoinette ZWIRCHMAYR
2022 / 16mm / color / sound / 24′ 00
Film courtesy of Light Cone (Paris)
Curated by Valentina Besegher Scotti
B. Concert
ensemble mosaik
Luigi Nono »Fragmente – Stille, an Diotima«
- Chatschatur Kanajan | Violin
- Rostislav Kozhevnikov (Asasello) | Violin
- Karen Lorenz | Viola
- Niklas Seidl | Cello
Labor Neunzehn is an artist-run project engaged in a cross-disciplinary discourse on time-based-art that involves expanded cinema, modern music, publishing, and the critical reflection in media art, with a specific focus on the migration of these languages between the online and offline domains. As an independent curatorial platform and a non-profit initiative for the production of research projects, exhibitions, performances, workshops, we are committed to the presentation of collaborative outcomes and hybrid formats.
Labor Neunzehn constantly extends own curatorial concepts with the aim of opening up spaces for experimentation and discovery, fostering bottom-up community building, as well as endorsing interdisciplinary exchange between art practitioners, institutions, and audience in Berlin.
St. Matthäus-Kirche (Einlass 19:30 Uhr), Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin
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Cluster #34 w/ ensemble mosaik and Experimental Film Screening - 100 Jahre Luigi Nono
Ab 10,00 EUR