German Gym
German Gym
Ab 140,00 EUR
What: German Gym course
When: April 5th, 7th, 12th and 14th // from 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Get the foundation down right
Maybe you’ve found a traditional ‘school’ style of learning German doesn’t work for you? OK, so now you’ve got a choice - Language Gym. This course is tailored for beginners. It’s fine if you’ve never studied German, it’s fine if you’ve studied some German too. We explore making the language meaningful for you. You need the vocabulary, you need to start speaking German right away. We go deep to understand the CASE system and all that ‘der, das, die’ business, so you understand the structure of the German sentence. We look at prepositions of time and place, adjectives, pronouns - all the basic building blocks. And it doesn’t matter if you’re uncomfortable with grammar terms. Together we investigate, and we never use meaningless jargon - so you absolutely will not get lost. This course was created with Language Gym.
Session 1, 5th of April - FOUNDATION
How is der, das, die like a chocolate box? Find out. Build a mental picture once and never forget it. With this we introduce the CASE system, and make sense of it. We look at personal pronouns, noun gender, and then we build our first grammatically correct sentences, applying the CASE system and removing the confusion.
Session 2, 7th of April - GOING DEEPER
After a review of the work we’ve already done, we look at adjectives, go further with personal pronouns, and investigate different nouns, questions of gender and making plurals.
Session 3, 12th of April - TIME MACHINE
After a review of the work we’ve already done, we’re going to learn how to place events in time, ‘before and after’ and prepositions of time. To do this we investigate together talking about the past.
Session 4, 14th of April - STORYTELLING
After a review of previous sessions look at conjunctions and building more complex ideas. We will wrap up the course with discussing your own personal learning plan and where exactly you go from here.
INSTRUCTORS: Peter Merrick & Aisha El Muntasser
The sessions are developed by Peter Merrick PhD and Aishah El Muntasser. Peter is a Canadian qualified as a teacher in the U.K. Aishah is a linguist who previously worked for Babbel in Berlin. The course is led by Peter.
No previous knowledge of german is needed. If you already touched based with german before, you are welcome as well, to refresh and enforce your knowledge so far.
Drop us a line at
Please print your ticket and bring it to the workshop!
A free cancellation of your order is possible until 7 days before the workshop/ course starts.
A cancellation within 7-0 days before the workshop/ course will be charged with 100% of the ticket price.
In case of illness you have to hand in a doctors certificate. Then we can refund you 100%
Please note: In the event of a refund (for any reason) the booking fee for the relevant event will not be refunded by Billetto.
betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin
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German Gym
Ab 140,00 EUR