GRAND JETÉ w/ Magda, La Fraicheur and Frank D’Arpino
GRAND JETÉ w/ Magda, La Fraicheur and Frank D’Arpino
Ab 0,00 EUR
Born in Poland and raised in Detroit Magda's realm as an artist spans far beyond the typical role played by DJs and producers. With an open mind, Magda will try her hand at whatever feels right; from producing high-quality Tequila to tech collaborations, fashion and art, Magda has created a truly unique, multifaceted expression of herself. In 1998 Magda joined Minus and began touring the world as Richie Hawtin's opening DJ. Whilst this was a perfect platform for Magda to show off her talents and develop a fan-base, it brought with it the constraints of an established reputation. Magda was defined as a DJ under the Minus umbrella, but since has forged her own path. Magda takes the listener on a thrillingly unpredictable listen.
LA FRAICHEUR (Mint) – DJ set
For over a decade now - first in Paris, then Montreal and now in Berlin - La Fraicheur has been brewing her own blend of Deep House & Techno beats sprinkled with tropical soulful Bass & Booty sounds when the mood strikes her. She is a resident DJ at Berlin's renowned Wilde Renate and has toured all over Europe, USA’s East & West Coasts, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and played at famed clubs like Tresor, ://about blank, KitKat Club, Prince Charles and Kater Holzig in Berlin, Showcase, Social Club, Nouveau Casino, Pulp, Batofar, Machine du Moulin Rouge in Paris, Mono (Mexico) or Trump Room (Tokyo).
FRANK D'ARPINO (Salon des Amateurs) - DJ set
Born in Düsseldorf, Frank D’Arpino found his musical home after 20 years of djing finally as a resident in the acclaimed Salon des Amateurs. An open club-(not-club) situation, as a social space and a dancey sweatbox at the same time. A place, where music matters and the rules of contemporary dj-sets get bent. Some call it leftfield nowadays. Frank calls it like this: go with the flow of tracks and songs with any speed. Learn your skills and try to forget them. Test the boundaries between direct effecting music (near) and deep long building music (distance), between entertainment and dare-to-be-different, between fun and seriousness and between past and future sounds. Forget genres, people made them up. Get schooled from your friends and colleagues, they might be masters.
Grand Jeté is a project by Hanno Leichtmann, kindly supported by Musicboard Berlin and Carhartt, presented by Digital in Berlin and GROOVE-Magazin.
OHM Berlin, Köpenicker Str. 70, 10179 Berlin
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GRAND JETÉ w/ Magda, La Fraicheur and Frank D’Arpino
Ab Kostenlos