How to Build Your Own Website
How to Build Your Own Website
Ab 120,00 EUR
What: How to build your own website with WordPress course
When: October 22nd, 27th and 29th // from 6:30 - 9:00 pm
This course is all about create compelling websites the easy way.
With the help of WordPress, you will be able to spread your idea online. You will be able to create your own website, your own blog – and connect to likely-minded people and supporters of your cause world-wide.
In an easy step-by-step process and in only 9 hours total (3 sessions á 3 hours), you will learn exactly how to build websites and blogs. We actually believe that WordPress is the best and easiest way to spread your story, your cause or project online – for the whole world to see. And this course is there to show you ´HOW´.
After taking part in the Course, you will be able to:
• Set up WordPress online
• Handle all the basic functions of WordPress
• Add plugIns to make the site even more professional
• Change the overall appearance and design
This all adds up to the main goal of the Course: Being able to create a professional website from bottom to top in an easy, step-by-step process.
To make sure you will be fully capable to Build your own Website afterwards, you will get a chance to practise on test sites that our Course holder created just for you! Even between lessons, at home, you'll be able to access your WordPress test site and practice what you learned!
Mauricio Disilvestro is a freelance web developer with 5 years of experience building WordPress sites for small companies, agencies and online entrepreneurs. When he started learning web development, he decided to focus his efforts on WordPress for its large flexibility, documentation and solutions available. Passionate of coaching and teaching, he loves to assist his clients and students in the process of developing their space on the web.
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betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin
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How to Build Your Own Website
Ab 120,00 EUR