INTRO Webinar - International Sexologist and Couple Therapist
INTRO Webinar - International Sexologist and Couple Therapist
Ab Kostenlos
INTRO - Free Introduction to The 4 International Educations Download Application Form
Sexologiskolen Copenhagen - International School of Contemporary Sexology & Couple Therapy
Join us at 21.30 on Zoom:
New International Classes, in English and all 13 Modules can be taken via Zoom, or On Location in Copenhagen.
Sexologist International line – in English. SI1 December 14th 2020
Couple Therapist International line – in English. PI1 December 6th 2021
EqualityCoach – in English. EQC February 22th 2021
Master in Sexology International line – in English. MS1 August 9th 2021
Sexologist and Couple therapist are each 13 modules of 3 days and lasts 1- 1 ½ years.
The courses can be taken, one after the other, or separately. Most read both Sexologist & Couple Therapist.
Sexologist & Couple Therapist Euro 19.620
Sexologist Euro 11.150 & Couple Therapist alone Euro 12.500
EqualityCoach Euro 5.779
Master in Sexology. Sexology School's Research Education Euro 10.684
Attached here is the application form. Please fill out the form and sent it by email it to
Then you will receive an answer within 2 days.
Read more about Sexology School's 4 International Educations here:
Sexologist & Couple Therapist International Line – Only Copenhagen
MasterSexologyResearcher International Line – Only Copenhagen
Intro to the Educationa - Open house at the School of Sexology
It is a good idea to join the Intro, Online or On Location, when you are considering taking your education at the Int. School of Contemporary Sexology and Couple Therapy. The Intro is free, and here you meet the head and founder of Sexologiskolen Yazmin Fox Eisen, and get an opportunity to ask questions and hear more about the programs.
If you have any questions, please call us on +45 2670 5577. We look forward to hearing from you!
The International School of
Contemporary Sexology & Couple Therapy
Gunløgsgade 1 & Islands Brygge 27
Islands Brygge, 2300 København S.
T: +45 7026 5577
M: +45 2670 5577
Link to Webinar:
Meeting ID: 841 2277 7545
Password: 928938
Sexologiskolen er nordens førende skole indenfor Sexologi & Parterapi. Sexologiskolen har samlet 35 uddannelser; Sexologer & Parterapeuter, Forskningsuddannelsen MasterResearcher og 33 Specialistuddannelser.
Sexologiskolen har hovedafdeling på Islands Brygge i København, Gunløgsgade 1, 2300 S - og afdelinger i Århus, Oslo og Nuuk. Samt aktiviteter i Stockholm, Reykjavik og Thorshavn.
Hoveduddannelserne Sexolog & Parterapeut kan begge læses hybrid ved fysisk fremmøde eller Online deltagelse.
Online Intro afholdes 1. onsdag hver måned v. Sexolog & Parterapeut Yazmin Fox Eisen. Sexologiskolen rummer også en Global Line:
IAS Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy. With 35 Online Int. Educations, all in English & Online. Introduction every month, 1. Wednedsday of the month.
T. +45 77 888 888
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INTRO Webinar - International Sexologist and Couple Therapist
Ab Kostenlos