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Jungle2Jungle: Berlin to Amazonia Community Fundraising Gathering

Evento annullato

Jungle2Jungle: Berlin to Amazonia Community Fundraising Gathering

Da EUR 20,00



Dic 01 2019 14:00 - 22:00


In collaboration with Chakana and the release of their new EP CHAKANA AMAZONIA, Lucid invites you to an afternoon and evening of heartfelt connection, community and inspired beats as we build a bridge between and celebrate the richness & diversity in two jungles close to our heart: from the urban jungles of Berlin, deep into the heart of the Amazon…

Raising not only the vibrations of our beloved Berlin, but also our awareness around what is happening in the Amazon, and funds for some well-deserved causes:  through the selling of Chakana’s new EP and our community service fundraising auction


For More information on this Gathering, please visit our Website at:

We have a special Ticket offer:  35- for entry PLUS a Vynl copy of the EP CHAKANA AMAZONIA



A Mycelial Network of Artists, Soul Rebels & Sacred Revolutionaries 4 the Remembrance, Protection & Celebration of our Inter-being with all Life.

HOLY SHIFT is an homage & embodiment of a worldwide awakening to our interconnectedness with all Life – reclaiming our inherent Inter-being. With this evolving awareness, we are nurturing and rediscovering a profound intimacy with our bodies, communities and the Living Earth & with our source connection with the 'more than human’ Great Mystery.

We celebrate this Wholeness in multi-cultural gatherings, inter-sectional dialogues and local-global campaigns to honor the diversity of human experience and to preserve the biodiversity of Nature. HOLY SHIFT is a movement devoted to empowering and weaving us together through the ancient-modern Medicines of Art, Music, Dance, Ritual & Sacred Activism.

Supporting land-based community projects and indigenous tribes that are balancing the ecosystem, HOLY SHIFT is calling us to take stewardship for all the conditions of Life – our fresh waters, clean air, and rich soils. Adopting timeless blueprints about Land-tending & Community-building, we steward the shift towards regenerative societies.

Luogo dell'evento

Lotus Loft Lotus Loft, Gerichtstrasse 23 Aufgang 4/ Hof 4/ 1. Stock , Berlin


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