Mow Exhibition and Magazine Release
Mow Exhibition and Magazine Release
Ab 0,00 EUR
"The tradition of homecoming originated in towns and schools in the United States as a way to welcome back former residents and students whose lives have taken them elsewhere. This time of year is usually marked by an array of events such as sports, a dance, feast or parade as well as many smaller get-togethers amongst old friends.
Mow’s second group exhibition in Berlin takes inspiration from this tradition to approach the subjective perception of the one’s “home” and suggest a certain commonality in how we all feel “at home”. For each person, this evokes a spectrum of memories and sensory experiences both good and bad, which combine in the mind to represent a singularity of what’s familiar—and hopefully comforting and secure. This exhibition expresses that home transcends mere geography and is more strongly rooted in the human interactions that convey this sense of familiarity; home can be anywhere, as long as it’s with the right people.
Coincidences were the subject of Mow’s first zine, and they bring us back together now, as all of Mow’s founding members incidentally find themselves again in the same city and take this occasion to share with the world the sense of home they find in each other."
When some creatives heads get together, this is the result!
It´s a pleasure for the Mow crew to welcome you to the exhibition on 22th of January at Filterhouse.
Photo Exhibition:
Mari Inoue, Berlin / Tokyo
Chiara De Maria Photos, Berlin / Italy
Benjamin EtCo, Berlin / Paris
Photo Illustration:
Collage and Photo:
Giulia Iovine
Toni Dup
DJ Bruno Banani
text by Matt, Giulia, & Mari
flyer design by IZAIZA
Filterhouse, Graefestr. 12, 10967 Berlin
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Mow Exhibition and Magazine Release
Ab Kostenlos