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  • Nessi Gomes Live @ Zionskirche :: Wednesday 4 November

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    Nessi Gomes Live @ Zionskirche :: Wednesday 4 November

    Ab 25,00 EUR



    04. November 2020, 19:00 Uhr - 22:30
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    🍃 LUCID warmly invites the Berlin Community to 2 lush & soulful evenings of Song, Silence & Sonic-Communal-Nourishment 🍃

    🌺 Nessi Gomes Live in the Historical Zionskirche

    Wednesday 4 & Thursday 5 November 2020

    with Opening & Closing Program curated with Love from the Lucid Collective ::

    🍃 In these times of great uncertainty, insecurity, polarization and isolation, it is our collective Lucid-Prayer to gather safely & intentionally: to co-create spaces in which we can attune to what connects us--instead of what is separating us--by saturating our bodies and souls with the healing & transformative forces of MUSIC, MOVEMENT, RITUAL & COMMUNITY...We feel the importance of this: now, more than ever...🍃

    🌺 Opening Sound & Movement Prayers provided by the following lush-local artists:

    // THEA HANN: https://soundcloud.com/theahan...

    Anir Leben: http://anirleben.com///

    Alma ∞ Omega: http://www.alma-omega.world/

    🌺Cacao & Tea Bar hosted by Reka Komaromi

    // Please note the space is limited to 100 spaces each evening (to give proper space among all guests), and we anticipate selling out: please do not sleep!

    // We will also be following the current Covid Regulations: 1,5 meter distance (unless you are from the same household), mouth/nose coverage upon entry (not in your seat!), and will be sending out an email with current guidelines before the concert. We thank you for your understanding!

    // Please also note: if Nessi Gomes is (god/goddess forbid) not able to travel due to possible challenges with Covid, Lucid will curate a juicy-local-program for us all. In the meantime, we say a deep prayer that Nessi and us all can gather safely and joyously inside Zionskirche 4 & 5 November...Inshallah 🌺



    A Mycelial Network of Artists, Soul Rebels & Sacred Revolutionaries 4 the Remembrance, Protection & Celebration of our Inter-being with all Life.

    HOLY SHIFT is an homage & embodiment of a worldwide awakening to our interconnectedness with all Life – reclaiming our inherent Inter-being. With this evolving awareness, we are nurturing and rediscovering a profound intimacy with our bodies, communities and the Living Earth & with our source connection with the 'more than human’ Great Mystery.

    We celebrate this Wholeness in multi-cultural gatherings, inter-sectional dialogues and local-global campaigns to honor the diversity of human experience and to preserve the biodiversity of Nature. HOLY SHIFT is a movement devoted to empowering and weaving us together through the ancient-modern Medicines of Art, Music, Dance, Ritual & Sacred Activism.

    Supporting land-based community projects and indigenous tribes that are balancing the ecosystem, HOLY SHIFT is calling us to take stewardship for all the conditions of Life – our fresh waters, clean air, and rich soils. Adopting timeless blueprints about Land-tending & Community-building, we steward the shift towards regenerative societies.


    Zion Church, Zionskirchplatz, 10119 Berlin


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    Nessi Gomes Live @ Zionskirche :: Wednesday 4 November

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