Power & Alignment® Workshops, Berlin, Germany
Power & Alignment® Workshops, Berlin, Germany
Ab 25,00 EUR
Power & Alignment® (P&A) is a hatha vinyasa yoga practice that draws from our innate strength to create a harmonious relationship with the whole being – mind, heart, breath, body, and community. A synthesis of heart-opening yoga practices and psychological science, P&A goes beyond intelligent sequencing and yoga postural alignment and focuses on developing our well-being. Based on a curriculum approach, P&A incorporates a set of essential components, including an embodied practice through specific key alignment principles. These components evoke a mindful and uplifting effect, guiding students towards a “work in.” Through repeated practice, the intention is for practitioners to feel empowered to navigate modern day living with an underlying sense of peace and joy.
Saturday 27 July, 10:00-12:00
Considerations for Core and Wrists
The first part of the workshop focuses on how to better work from your centre as well as work with the wrists in a way that is safe and effective regards to your asana practice.
You will learn to:
- Strengthen the core and stabilise the spine in yoga practice.
- Identify key techniques to decrease repetitive stress in the wrists in weight-bearing postures.
- Articulate and integrate the core areas of the body in a variety of postures.
Sunday 28 July, 10:00-12:00
Considerations for Hips and Legs
The second part of the workshop provides a clear and modern understanding on how to work the legs and hips in a safe and effective way that enhances your practice.
You will learn to:
- Strengthen the legs and create greater balance in the legs, hips and torso in yoga practice.
- Consider ways to work safely with the joints in the hips and legs.
- Articulate and integrate the hips and legs safely in a variety of postures.
Also see the upfront Masterclasses on the :
Masterclass with Jeremy Lim — ALIGNMENT
26. Juli 2019, 18:15 Uhr - 19:45
Masterclass with Jeremy Lim — POWER
26. Juli 2019, 18:15 Uhr - 19:45
YOGA at Lobe Block UG, Böttgerstraße 16, 13357 Berlin
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Power & Alignment® Workshops, Berlin, Germany
Ab 25,00 EUR