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    13. April 2019, 10:30 Uhr - 17:30
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Buchen Sie mit Vertrauen: Billetto garantiert eine Rückerstattung für stornierte Veranstaltungen, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen. Erfahre mehr
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    Breathwork is a highly attuned meditative journey into expanded states of consciousness and deep connection with self.

    The breath, aided by chakra-attuned music and group processing, provides a route to the discovery of your inner landscape, healing, and trauma release. Journeyers are guided into relaxation and the practice of a simple breathing technique. From there, one trusts that whatever emerges is what’s meant to be present.

    Some people laugh. Some people cry. Some people enter a state of deep and profound meditation. Everyone’s experience is different, and each experience is unique. Each time one shows up for it, breathwork takes them wherever they need to go.

    During this immersive journey, you will have the opportunity to:

    -Release limiting belief systems and self-defeating patterns
    -See through old storylines
    -Gain clarity of mind
    -Heal emotional and physical trauma
    -Cleanse and energise your body
    -Balance your nervous system
    -Connect with spirit and self
    -Build trust in your own intuition and navigational system
    -Step into deeper alignment with your Sacred Purpose
    -Discover the gifts of your higher intelligence

    Each experience will be intuitively channeled by your facilitator team for the highest independent and collective needs of everyone in our circle.


    Pre-registration is strongly encouraged due to limited space.

    Please bring water, lunch, a pillow, blanket and a yoga mat.No heavy eating 2 hours prior to ceremony.


    About Your Facilitators

    Eva Nelson is a Healer and Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator. She pulls from her life experience, abilities as a natural healer and extensive professional training to provide transformational healing support and services. Her work is geared toward cultivating authenticity, finding your truth, embodying your purpose, loving yourself and living the life that you want to live. She does this by supporting the whole person in feeling safe and empowered to do the deep work of recovering self, stepping into your power and healing your life.

    Alicia Thakrar is an experience designer, psycho-spiritual guide and healer. She completed her training as a Shamanic Breathwork facilitator with the methods creator, Linda Star Wolf. Alicia's curiosity is magnetised by the human condition and the ways in which we create and experience reality. She is particularly fascinated with potentiality and embodies her true nature as a mystic to navigate the gateways to the actualisation and application of all that we are.


    Alicia Thakrar is a psycho-spiritual guide and healer. She completed her training as a Shamanic Breathwork facilitator with the methods creator, Linda Star Wolf.


    EDEN Studios, Breite Str. 43, 13187 Berlin


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