Thurs, April 18, English Comedy Showcase @ Marionnette! Loren Mayshark (USA), Alin Damian (Romania), MC host Joe Eagan (Canada)
Thurs, April 18, English Comedy Showcase @ Marionnette! Loren Mayshark (USA), Alin Damian (Romania), MC host Joe Eagan (Canada)
Ab 15,00 EUR
Beschreibung presents:
Luxembourg Comedy Showcase in English on Thursday, April 18 - Double headliner special with Loren Mayshark (USA) & Alin Damian (Romania)!
+ your MC host of the evening is Joe Eagan (Canada)!
When: Thurs, April 18, showtime 20,00 (the show ends around 22,00)
Where: Marionnette, 15 rue de Strasbourg, Luxembourg
Come and enjoy some amazing pizza before the show! Reserve a table to eat by calling +352 48 12 17. If eating, we recommend booking a table latest 19,15 to get food orders in before the show.
Tickets: (prices below INCLUDE the ticket site fee)
Earlybird: 15eur (just 25 earlybirds available)
Regular: 18eur
Two-person special: 34eur
Door price: 25 eur
Hosted By: Lux Comedy & Joe Eagan Comedy Productions
Comedian bios:
Loren Mayshark (USA) - Loren is from New York State and has been around comedy for years. He has been turning heads while doing stand-up in Europe. Although many consider his strength to be storytelling, his style is unique and centers on observational, dark, and surrealist humor but you can never be sure of what he will do as he is constantly offering surprising new twists in his act. His credits include opening for acclaimed comedians across Europe and headlining at The Immigrant in Brno, Czech Republic. He headlined “The Last Laugh” at the famed Spire Theater as part of the Lucille Ball 2023 Fringe Festival in Jamestown, New York (Home of the National Comedy Center). He will be premiering his solo show "Son of a Luddite," at this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Alin Damian (Romania) - One of the most prominent comedians to come out of Scandinavia in the last decade, Damian has been tearing up the scene there and continental Europe with his deadpan straight-faced delivery that leaves audiences gasping for air. He describes himself in the words of another: "He can seem socially clumsy in company but he's really funny, even off the scene - few filters and few things that hold him back, get ready for a comedy storm of twisted comedy that will make you giggle all the way home from the comedy club, and then some!" A genuine artist whose work you need to witness live. This guy will make you laugh even when you're not supposed to.
Mark your calendars for the next showcase in English on Thurs, June 6 with headliner Martin Angolo (Ireland) and feature support act David Duff (Ireland) + MC Joe Eagan (Canada)! First dibs on earlybird tickets, write to
Hire comics for company events/parties or a quizmaster to run our Quiz & Games event at your office or other location in Luxembourg! Indoors or outdoors! Great for 8 to 200 people! see:
Welcome to Joe Eagan Comedy Productions - offering Stand-up Comedy and Quiz & Games entertainment for corporate events & parties throughout Europe, and running monthly English comedy clubs in Malmö, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Eindhoven, Luxembourg and The Hague. Find out more at
Marionnette, 15 Rue Strasbourg, 2561 Luxembourg-City
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Thurs, April 18, English Comedy Showcase @ Marionnette! Loren Mayshark (USA), Alin Damian (Romania), MC host Joe Eagan (Canada)
Ab 15,00 EUR