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Tickets - Show#1 - Luxembourg Comedy Festival

événement terminé

Tickets - Show#1 - Luxembourg Comedy Festival

De EUR 10,00



28 Oct 2017 21:00 - 23:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


Luxembourg Comedy Festival 2017!

Oct 28 + Nov 17, 18, 19.

Lots of shows and comedians to see!

THIS IS WHERE YOU BUY THE NORMAL AND SPECIAL FESTIVAL EARLYBIRD TICKETS FOR SHOW # 1 - PRE-FESTIVAL OPENING SHOWCASE -> 30 half price single tickets on sale for 10eur each until they are sold out! Max 4 tickets per order; as well as the usual two person tickets for 37eur and single 20eur tickets. All available here:

Pre-Festival Opening Showcase information:


Come and enjoy Luxembourg Comedy Festival's special event in October - the Pre-Festival Opening Showcase!

Bring your partner, colleagues, friends, tinder date(s) for a great evening of laughs!

The pro headliner acts on the Pre-Festival Showcase are Thanyia Moore UK and David Tsonos CANADA!


David Tsonos - CANADA

is an actor, known for Paint Dry (2017), Cold Blood (2008) and Dual Suspects (2010), He has appeared at the Vancouver Comedy Festival and can be heard on Satellite radio. Whether it’s a Bar gig, a Comedy Club or a Corporate function David makes them laugh until they can laugh no more. David has been touring Canada since 1999, from one end to the other several times, and now doing shows in the USA and the U.K. When not touring David has acted in commercials and TV shows.


Thanyia Moore - UK

Described as Moore by name and Moorish by nature, Thanyia Moore has always held a love for comedy, but despite a background in acting, dance and event hosting, her confidence to tell jokes on stage, came much later in life. Her ’matter of fact’ stage persona coupled with her lovely smiling face and manic work rate have propelled her into being one of London’s hardest working emerging comedians. 2013 saw her take home the coveted, Best Female Newcomer Award, at the Black Comedy Awards in addition to being a finalist in The Funny Women competition.


+ surprise local talents in Luxembourg will take the stage! & Deepu Dileepan INDIA will be your host MC



Where: Marionnette, 15 Rue de Strasbourg, Luxembourg. Map:




Regular Ticket info if these earlybird tickets are sold out:

Regular presale 2-person ticket: 37eur

Regular presale single: 20eur

We will also set aside limited door tickets for last minute deciders. Door price is 25eur per person.

Guests who wish to eat can reserve a table to eat via +352 48 12 17 and you can come anytime from 19.30 onwards before the show to eat in the comedy room. You must book a table time and arrive by 20,00 to get food orders in before the show. Non-eating guests can enter from 20,15 onwards.



Stay up to date on all pro and open mic shows happening in the Luxembourg area via our facebook page.

Tickets for other shows on the festival. - Search "Luxembourg Festival"



Welcome to - we run monthly comedy clubs throughout Europe and also offer Stand-up Comedy and Quiz & Games offerings for corporate events, conferences and parties. Find out more at 


Marionnette, 15 Rue Strasbourg, 2561 Luxembourg-City

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