Transform Creatively
Transform Creatively
Ab 150,00 EUR
What: Transform Creatively course
When: April 4th, 6th, 11th and 13th // from 6 :00 - 9:00 pm
How to be a creative leader
The stories we invent and live are the realest things we experience. We perfect our narratives, we are judged by them and, happily, when they become obsolete and limiting, we can change them.
Transform your life and your work creatively by exploring new ways of thinking, both as a person as well as a creative leader. Learn more about the transformation process of individuals and organizations in order to reach more original, adaptive and sustainable solutions.
This 12-hour course will teach dynamic practices and methodologies required of an innovator and change-maker through a multidisciplinary approach. Relevant issues for aspiring and current leaders will be addressed, mobilizing the power of both pragmatism as well as intuition for life and business.
Session 1 APR 4
Introduction to the Imagination Age: the ambiguous, non-linear and complex times we are currently experiencing will be debated with two main lenses: 1. Zeitgeist: context and trends and 2. Possibilities and limitations brought by exponential change. Once grasped, you’ll learn about the creative leadership pillars and how to focus on the leader’s role in innovation.
Session 2 APR 6
How to lead creative teams & businesses, avoiding intellectual conformity? And how can stories become key strategic tools for creative leaders? This session will explore origin & power of narrative and examine refreshing examples of leaders’ storytelling, together with the secrets of great talks (such as TED Talks), why they are so inspiring and what you can learn from them.
Session 3 APR 11
The road to change: how can one understand the need for change and the challenges accompanying it? And what effect it has on others when individuals and organizations shift their behavior? In this session, participants will be inspired to find the right balance between action and reflection through exercises that will foster presence, focus and creative problem-solving.
Session 4 APR 13
Putting it to work! We’ll put creative leadership pillars & storytelling into practice in order to promote change and nurture innovation we are seeking for. And maybe you can begin telling a new, inspiring story about yourself to yourself and to others?
INSTRUCTORS: Patricia Cotton & Christopher Kabakis
Patricia Cotton is an expert in change management, innovation and creative leadership. After working ten years as a Marketing executive in several industries, Patricia went on a journey of her own as she explored the topic of change and what it means for organizations and leaders. Through interviews with top CEO’s, weeks at a Buddhist retreat, and basing her work from literature that spans hundreds of years, Patricia’s research focuses on a new perspective of change and how to embrace it.
Christopher is a communications consultant and speaker & business coach. He has coached dozens of speakers at TEDx events in German and he is expert in improving public speaking skills for large organizations as well as for startups. His approach is centred on helping people to craft their storyline for impactful and inspirational idea-centred talks and presentations plus supporting them effectively with improving their delivery.
After completing this course you will receive a certificate from betahaus | Academy
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A cancellation within 7-0 days before the workshop/ course will be charged with 100% of the ticket price.
In case of illness you have to hand in a doctors certificate. Then we can refund you 100%
Please note: In the event of a refund (for any reason) the booking fee for the relevant event will not be refunded by Billetto.
betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin
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Transform Creatively
Ab 150,00 EUR