BERLIN ART FILM FESTIVAL GOES OPEN AIR: ASTA UPSET (2014) + SCREEN TAKES (1964) (OmeU) // guests: Max Linz, Michael Klier
BERLIN ART FILM FESTIVAL GOES OPEN AIR: ASTA UPSET (2014) + SCREEN TAKES (1964) (OmeU) // guests: Max Linz, Michael Klier
De EUR 0,00
Our hot 2014 opening film Ich will mich nicht künstlich aufregen - Asta Upset will be introduced by director Max Linz himself. As a supporting film we're showing Michael Klier's enigmatic debut SCREEN TAKES (PROBEAUFNAHMEN) from 1964 with an introduction by Michael Klier.
Both films screened with English subtitles.
“Shit shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!” Things are not going too well for Asta (Sarah Ralfs), a young and graceful curator in Berlin. Despite the upper middle class surroundings of her art world, she fears for her future and needs a trick or two to stay in the game. Gentrification, nepotism, action art, yoga, disco – there’s very little that director Max Linz hasn’t included into his brazen, original, biting, stylised, hyper-aesthetic and often very funny portrait of the Berlin art world. His film feels very real and truthful and completely surreal and shamelessly fake at the same time. ASTA UPSET borrows from Pollesch, Fassbinder, Arslan, Schlingensief and at the same time creates something stunningly new and controversial. A very fascinating and daring film you will love or hate, or both.
D 2014, Max Linz, 84′; languages: German/ English, subtitles: English/German
guest: Max Linz
West-Berlin, summer. A bunch of young people drift through town, discuss films, sit in cafés, go to auditions. Michael Klier's light, moody, and elegant first film was inspired both by French savouir-vivre and French film culture. The lively black-and-white street images, shot with non-actors and captured by Fassbinder-cinematographer Jürgen Jürges are reminiscent of nouvelle vague classics such as Godard's À BOUT DE SOUFFLE. SCREEN TAKES was made to be the opposite of everything that German film stood for at that time: stiffness, rigour, sobriety - an exercise Klier accomplishes beautifully and effortlessly!
D 1964, Michael Klier, 20'; languages/ intertitles: German, subtitles: English
guest: Michael Klier
Kino Central, Berlin-Mitte, Rosenthaler Straße 39, 10178 Berlin
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BERLIN ART FILM FESTIVAL GOES OPEN AIR: ASTA UPSET (2014) + SCREEN TAKES (1964) (OmeU) // guests: Max Linz, Michael Klier
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