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  • Design Fiction

    Evénement annulé

    Design Fiction

    De EUR 190,00



    05 Avr 2016 18:30 - 21:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    What: Design Fiction intensive course

    When: April 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 21st, 26th and 28th // from 6:30 - 9pm

    Today is tomorrow

    What if predicting the future is the best tool we have to improve the present?

    ‘What if’, this is the question that will be asked most at the start of this one-month class, and for a good reason: studying both past and present, technological and social trends, taking into account possible extreme scenarios, we will imagine a variety of futures in utmost detail.

    During the course, which is accessible for established designers and neophytes alike, we will learn practices specific to both the design and storytelling process – creative drafting, visual narration, live prototyping…

    Beware, this is a real class and there will be some amount of homework involved (including watching movies). Better get ready to have your head stuck in the future for a while.


    Session 1 APR 5th - FROM PAST TO PRESENT:

    We will learn the history of design and technological revolutions. Afterwords look at inter-influence of technology, design & society. At the end we will move to the study of historical developments and pattern recognition

    Session 2 APR 7th - IMAGINING TOMORROW'S:

    We begin with the research of possibles : analysing trends and technological patterns. After we move to a case study of existing prospective design projects. Finally, another case study through movies: metropolis, the modern times, playtime, mad max, minority report

    Session 3 APR 12th - DESCRIBING THE FUTURE:

    A look at storytelling methodology: fiction, character development, personas. Then an in-depth talk on visual narration techniques. An introduction to personal problems analysis: what should be solved in your future?

    Session 4 APR 14th - DESIGNING FOR THE FUTURE:

    Starting with discussing what is design for the future : conceptualise an answer to your topic. Following by a study of future engineering: research and integrate future technologies. Ending with a final analysis of virtualisation: brand, document and present

    Session 5 APR 19th - FUTURE PROTOTYPING:

    After a quick recap we will work to realise a virtually working prototype of your project. Then follow with a look at what I call ‘cheating techniques’: how to represent future technologies

    Session 6 APR 21st - BACKCASTING:

    We will discuss how to implement future scenario in today’s world. Then we will discover analysing technologies and social space for implementation. A wind down with a final topic of the day, extrapolation: creative studies, methodologies

    Session 7 APR 26th - PROJECT TODAY-ISATION:

    How to adapt future project to today’s society and technological capabilities? We will look closely at brand, document and present

    Session 8 APR 28th - PROTOTYPING:

    With everything in order we will start the prototyping of the final project. Finally, the presentation of both projects, of the future scenario involved and of the creative approach

    INSTRUCTOR: Regis Lamberthe

    The course will be taught by French designer Régis Lemberthe. He moved to Berlin after graduating as a master in “humanitarian design and sustainable living” from Design Academy Eindhoven, and started working on a variety of projects ranging from conceptual product design (A&Ré Design) and interaction design (Régißtudio) to collaborative design (Enable Berlin) and skill sharing (Maker Lab, Betahaus Build Or Buy). He has been giving lectures and facilitating workshops at Newcastle Culture Lab, Agen Musée Des Beaux Arts, Milan Public Design Festival, Amsterdam Center for Social and Contemporary Art, as well as in various places in Berlin.


    The needed materials, glues and shape-foundations are provided and included into the price. Please bring old newspaper to be used as raw materials. Any sort of paper that is not glazed will work.

    After completing this course you will receive a certificate from betahaus | Academy


    Drop us a line at


    A free cancellation of your order is possible until 7 days before the workshop/ course starts.

    A cancellation within 7-0 days before the workshop/ course will be charged with 100% of the ticket price.

    In case of illness you have to hand in a doctors certificate. Then we can refund you 100%

    Please note: In the event of a refund (for any reason) the booking fee for the relevant event will not be refunded by Billetto.


    betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin

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    Evénement annulé

    Design Fiction

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