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  • Big City Nights Vol. 1 - Live: Black Pussy Portland/USA, Adam Bomb LA / USA , DJ Sets: Sunny Storm & Vanilla Thunder

    l'evento è terminato

    Big City Nights Vol. 1 - Live: Black Pussy Portland/USA, Adam Bomb LA / USA , DJ Sets: Sunny Storm & Vanilla Thunder

    Da EUR 0,00



    Mag 14 2016 22:00 - Mag 15 2016 00:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Welcome to our first night of Mayhem with Music that you love and love to hate, but that will always make you bang your head, wiggle your a** or shout it out loud! Or all three together!!

    For a lousy 5 Euros you'll get surround treatment:
    One hot headliner that just rocked the mainstage of DesertFest Berlin and 2 DJs that are not afraid to admit their genuine love for 80s Metal and Hardrock.
    Also joining the night as a superspecial guest will be Adam Bomb who will be playing his final show in Germany before he returns to the motherlands, the US of A! What a package!!

    Black Pussy (Made in China Records /Portland)
    When The Rolling Stones wrote their classic track “Brown Sugar” it was originally titled “Black Pussy,” but record-label politics got in the way: It was deemed too offensive and the powers at work refused to put it out. So the band had to change the name to something that was easier for the general public to swallow. At least that’s how the legend goes.

    For Dustin Hill, the creative mastermind and songwriter behind Black Pussy, it sounded like a fantastic band name. It encapsulates exactly what the band is: a sex-charged, ’70s-influenced, hide-your-daughters-because-they’re-coming-to-town rock ‘n’ roll band that sounds like Tarantino directing a Thin Lizzy video in the low desert. Considering the name comes from a song that directly speaks out against racism, Hill isn’t willing to entertain the notion that the band intends to offend anyone.

    For the past few years, the group has perpetually headed out on nationwide tours, including a full U.S. and Canada stint opening for ex-Kyuss legends Vista Chino in 2013, rightfully earning them the tagline, “ON TOUR FOREVER.” The group has also spent the last two years constantly working on heavy, psychedelic rock songs with not only Portland recording engineer Adam Pike (Red Fang, Norska, Black Elk, etc.) but also the legendary Kyuss founding drummer and multi-instrumentalist Brant Bjork.

    Black Pussy’s heavy, bluesy sound and clear influences of Kyuss, Hendrix and The Who have found a niche in the ever-growing, global stoner-rock movement. The band exclusively uses vintage Sunn gear, pushing a massive 44 speakers when playing live and tends to land shows with the heaviest, sludgiest bands in the Portland, Oregon scene. However, their classic, upbeat, relentlessly hooky tracks have led to Hill coining the phrase “stoner pop,” like The Cars meets Black Sabbath. The band’s catchy music tends to seduce anyone, even those who walk in off the street after seeing the intriguing band name on the marquis of the venue.

    Sunny and Vanilla found each other over their love for music others love to hate - 80s Metal and Hardrock. But let's be honest: Everyone gets a kick out out shouting KISS Songs out loud at 2 a.m. on the dance floor, falling on their knees airguitaring Sweet Child Of Mine or letting lose to Big City Nights from the Scorpions. Of course this time the two true Children of the Night won't forget to include your favorite Doom hits and Psychedelic Rock anthems. Saturday Night Fever just became a whole new meaning with these two.


    Luogo dell'evento

    White Trаsh Fast Food, Am Flutgraben 2, 12435 Berlin


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    l'evento è terminato

    Big City Nights Vol. 1 - Live: Black Pussy Portland/USA, Adam Bomb LA / USA , DJ Sets: Sunny Storm & Vanilla Thunder

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