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  • Mind-Set Coaching – The most important factor to your success?

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    Mind-Set Coaching – The most important factor to your success?

    Da Gratis



    Mar 17 2016 14:00 - 17:30
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più
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    Session Overview

    When people think that they are stuck, overwhelmed, not making progress or simply failing, they tend to blame it on the fact that they don't know how to do certain things.

    But business success has been figured out and it has never been easier to learn from the most successful business people in relation to what to do in order to succeed. So why then do so many entrepreneurs struggle or fail in being successful (and happy)? Though success is a logical process, it is executed by emotional beings. And that is where things can get messed up.

    If your frame of mind is what's getting in between you and your success, then I can help you. I can help you identify your limiting thoughts and perspectives and replace them with new and empowering ones that will help you achieve your goals.

    More specifically, I can enable you to:

    • become decisive and make powerful decisions
    • overcome procrastination
    • get out of feeling overwhelmed and into a clear headspace
    • massively reduce stress
    • become a more powerful manager and leader of people
    • move to the next level in your business
    • build the confidence to boldly start or launch your own business

    Schedule a session with me now so I can help you upgrade your mind-set and so you can move your business to the next level.

    Office Hours Holder

    Robert is a self-employed Life & Business Coach. Running his own business, he has faced and handled many challenges and struggles entrepreneurs face first hand. He holds a university degree in Business Administration and specialized in entrepreneurship where in his final thesis he investigated on how significant emotional events influenced the propensity to start a business. He is all about self-improvement and the science of success and loves working with entrepreneurs and freelancers guiding them to tap into more of their infinite potential to share their gifts and passion with the world more successfully

    Important Information

    • Office Hours is a one-on-one consultation session. Not a group workshop or a presentation.
    • Once you arrive, go to reception and wait for Robert to pick you up. The session will be held privately in Room "Dialogue 2"
    • Only one session (30 minutes) per person per month.
    • If you would like to book a session but either all slots are already taken or you aren’t able to make it at a prescribed time, please write an email to and he will try and find a solution.
    • Please contact Robert via email ( as soon as you have made a reservation to confirm. attendance and request "in-take form".
    • Please print your ticket and bring it to the session!


    Luogo dell'evento

    betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin


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    Mind-Set Coaching – The most important factor to your success?

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