Paper Pulp
Paper Pulp
Da EUR 30,00
What: Paper Pulp Workshop
When: March 24th // from 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Get down with paper
Papier maché is not just for making halloween masks. It is also a great material for building anything that can be both light and strong. It’s also only made from old newspapers, so resources are never far, and you can give it pretty much any shape you want.
But the material we’ll be working with throughout this workshop goes beyond laminated papier maché. We’ll be shredding and mixing matter so thoroughly that it’ll become some sort of sludgy paste that’s even more fun to work with and is better for dyeing.
The workshop is also open – and lots of fun – for kids.
This session will be dedicated to making lampshades and bowls in a variety of shapes and colours. We hope you don’t mind getting your hands wet, you’ll be learning how to produce the paper pulp too. All of the techniques taught in the workshop are easy to recreate at home as well.
INSTRUCTOR: Regis Lamberthe
The course will be taught by French designer Régis Lemberthe. He moved to Berlin after graduating as a master in “humanitarian design and sustainable living” from Design Academy Eindhoven, and started working on a variety of projects ranging from conceptual product design (A&Ré Design) and interaction design (Régißtudio) to collaborative design (Enable Berlin) and skill sharing (Maker Lab, Betahaus Build Or Buy). He has been giving lectures and facilitating workshops at Newcastle Culture Lab, Agen Musée Des Beaux Arts, Milan Public Design Festival, Amsterdam Center for Social and Contemporary Art, as well as in various places in Berlin.
The needed materials, glues and shape-foundations are provided and included into the price. Please bring old newspaper to be used as raw materials. Any sort of paper that is not glazed will work.
Drop us a line at
A free cancellation of your order is possible until 7 days before the workshop/ course starts.
A cancellation within 7-0 days before the workshop/ course will be charged with 100% of the ticket price.
In case of illness you have to hand in a doctors certificate. Then we can refund you 100%
Please note: In the event of a refund (for any reason) the booking fee for the relevant event will not be refunded by Billetto.
Luogo dell'evento
betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin
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Paper Pulp
Da EUR 30,00