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    Mar 14 2016 21:00 - 23:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più
    Metodi di pagamento accettati:


    RADARE - (Golden Antenna Records)

    Radare’s songs are slow moving, played deliberately with intensity and patience. The setting is gloomy, even eerie at times. While former projects were deeply rooted in noise music, the Wiesbaden-based four-piece got together to dedicate themselves to quieter and simpler compositions—while relying more on Rhodes piano, brushed drums, brass sections, and mellow tremolo guitar sounds.

    Radare’s debut album, “Infinite Regress”, released in 2010, was a first attempt at creating a distinct sound, incorporating the trombone as an unconventional instrument. With their sophomore album, 2011’s “Hyrule”, the band established a compositional style that laid the groundwork for their third record, to be released in 2015. In terms of musical structures, the arrangements on this collection of songs steadily follow an underlying narrative to support the approach of musical storytelling.

    Fascinated by the romantic but spooky themes of Angelo Badalamenti, the introspection of Bohren & Club Of Gore, and the grittier works of Talk Talk, Radare create the kind of mood where calmness turns into unease, and the line between comfort and uncertainty begins to blur.


    TOBY DRIVER of Kayo Dot - (New York, USA - The Flenser)

    Toby Driver is best known as the frontman and mastermind of the avant-goth band, Kayo Dot (ex-maudlin of the Well), and bassist of the Pythagorean prog wizards, Secret Chiefs 3 (ex-Mr. Bungle). In the past decade, he has masterfully explored the limitlessness of music, from weird metal to beautiful post-rock, from austere ballads to tripped-out 70s fusion and beyond, working alongside the likes of modern geniuses such as John Zorn, Trey Spruance (ex-Mr. Bungle, Faith No More), Mario Diaz de Leon (Oneirogen), and Jeremiah Cymerman. As a solo performer, on guitar, keyboard, and voice, Driver has been exploring dark, austere neofolk akin to Grouper, Michael Gira, Wooden Wand, and others, with a subtle progressive and unsettling edge.

    On this tour, Driver will be joined by Keith Abrams (Kayo Dot) on drums and Nick Hudson (Academy of Sun) on organ.



    has already produced a vast wealth of music, weaving densely-textured arrangements into a truly epic sound, encompassing progressive rock, modern composition, jazz, lo-fi pop, folk and outright psychedelia. Collaborations have featured Asva, Hexenverfolgung, Ekca Liena, members of Kayo Dot, and David Tibet (Current 93), Michael Salerno


    Luogo dell'evento

    Zukunft am Ostkreuz, Laskerstr. 5, 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain


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