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  • Tresor presents Kern Vol.3 Pre-Release

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    Tresor presents Kern Vol.3 Pre-Release

    Da EUR 0,00



    Giu 03 2016 23:59 - Giu 04 2016 01:59
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Objekt (PAN/ Berlin)
    DJ Bone (Subject/ Detroit)
    Live: Radioactive Man (Rotters Golf Club/ UK)
    REKA (Tresor.Berlin)

    Laurel Halo (Honest Jon’s, Hyperdub/ US)
    Shanti Celeste (Future Times/ UK)
    Idit Frenkel (Alphabet/ IL)

    Live: Machine woman (Mannerfelt/ UK)
    Call Super (Houndstooth/ UK)
    Objekt (PAN/ Berlin)


    Kern Vol.3 mixed by Objekt

    Following contributions by DJ Deep and DJ Hell, Tresor Records are proud to present the third instalment in their Kern mix-series, this time headed by Berlin based producer Objekt, his first release following his 2014 debut album Flatland for PAN. In keeping with the series mission of showcasing a more personal approach to mixing Hertz describes his process as such;

    Kern Vol. 3 is made up of tracks that I know I will play and love for years to come. Some of these records have been in my bag for years; others are almost as new to me as they are to you. A handful are by lesser known artists whom I admire and who I think deserve wider recognition. Planned, recorded, embellished, reworked, tweaked and chiselled away at over a period of 6 months, the mix was gradually carved out in a way that makes use of new and old techniques alike, presenting itself primarily as a DJ mix but settling in a sweet spot between live recording and studio trickery. The tracklist spans styles, decades and BPMs in an attempt to craft a mix that’s unpredictable and compelling in equal measure – one that draws from the more adventurous corners of my club sets, but above all, one that’s a pleasure to listen to.

    Clocking in at 75min across 36 tracks, Kern Vol. 3 delivers on Objekt's promise, stitching together everything from the playful breakbeats of Beatrice Dillon's "Halfway" to Kirk DiGiorgio's classic techno "Nebula Variation" and the lightspeed IDM of Aleksi Perälä and Ueno Masaaki without missing a beat. A descent through ambient bliss, thundering cello drones and vocal contortions (courtesy of Anna Caragnano, Yair Elazar Glotman and Senyawa's Rully Shabara respectively) give way to the stoned haze of Sensational vs Sotofett and metalwork of Machine Woman and Skarn, rounding up a highly eclectic and adventurous mix which also includes previously unreleased tracks by Bristol's Shanti Celeste, rising Brooklyn producer Via App and accomplished electro technicians Clatterbox and Polzer.

    Kern Vol.3 will release on Tresor Records on July 8th.
    In usual form the mix CD will be accompanied by two 12"s comprising the exclusives and rarities.

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    Luogo dell'evento

    Tresor.Berlin (OFFICIAL), Köpenicker Strasse 70, 10179 Berlin


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    Tresor presents Kern Vol.3 Pre-Release

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