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    Da EUR 8,00



    Feb 20 2016 10:30 - 11:45
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più
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    Do you love yoga, but secretly wish it was more upbeat? Or perhaps you've always been inspired by 'vogueing' (circa 1980s New York) but it's a bit out-there for you.

    Welcome to VOGA™, a dynamic fusion of the two disciplines, founded in London and taking the global health and fitness arena by storm. Hosted by ABA ART LAB, MALLORCA on Wednesday 6th January with HOUSE OF VOGA ambassador Gemma Tindale, this is your chance to take to the dance-floor and feel liberated by the power of the pose, MADONNA style!

    VOGA Class @ABA art LAB Collaboration 2016!

    BOOST! Feel empowered, strong & confident with VOGA...
    ABA art LAB in Plaza Porta de Santa Catalina offers us an inspiring new space to strike a POSE!
    We are combining the energy of VOGA with the passion for art in supporting our vibrant local art gallery in the heart of Palma's old town.
    "I am rooted... but I flow" is the essence of María Gil Ulldemolins' exhibition. It is intriguing and the result of "flowing with the moment, the shapes, the happy accidents". It's a really great opportunity to enjoy the collaboration of physical expression in an artistic space and we are so looking forward to sharing it with you!
    Class Information:
    EUR15 or EUR8 early bird price + Bring a Mat + Something fabulous to wear!


    "If you haven’t already heard about it, VOGA’s a fusion of yoga and vogueing set to an 80s beat.
    Think Vogue. Think Yoga. This is VOGA! Yoga with sass.
    VOGA is set to an iconic soundtrack taking you through dynamic dance to dreamy disco and combines the breath-synchronized movement of Yoga with the expressive moves of a dance class, fusing power and strength with attitude and flamboyance, where slick alignment is key.
    It’s for everyone – all ages, all skills, all fitness levels – offering you the chance to workout in your most stylish outfit while bringing nightlife cool into the realm of sweat and lycra." Juliet Murrell

    VOGA™ is the brainchild of Juliet Murrell, a successful set designer in the fashion, film and design industry who qualified as a yoga instructor to restore her natural energy levels, which had been depleted by post-viral chronic fatigue. Identifying a niche for a more expressive, energetic of yoga, Juliet went on to create VOGA™, a stretching and posing routine set to an iconic 80s beat.

    “VOGA™ offers all the health benefits of yoga and more, thanks to a unique series of poses and counter-postures that work the whole body, right down to the hands and feet," says Juliet. “On top of the physical benefits such as increasing circulation, improving flexibility, fat burning and toning, VOGA™ manifests a unique sense of wholeness and confidence that you just can't get from the average gym class."

    In making payment for this class I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated here and the full terms and conditions on the website.


    Luogo dell'evento

    ABA ART LAB, Plaça de la Porta de Santa Catalina, 07012 Palma


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