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Ashtanga Yoga With Shiraz - 7.30pm Thursdays

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Ashtanga Yoga With Shiraz - 7.30pm Thursdays

From EUR 12.00


Multiple time slots

7 March 2019 - 19 December 2019
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Looking for a deeper, more dynamic practice? Then this Ashtanga Yoga class with Shiraz Haq is not to be missed.

Ashtanga Yoga, is a vigorous and flowing style that involves synchronizing breath with progressive and continuous postures, producing internal heat, while detoxifying the body. It builds strength, flexibility and stamina, calming the mind and improving overall health.

Ashtanga can be an intense and sweaty workout, but it can also be deeply transformative. As you learn to link breath with movement, you may find that you learn to flow more easily in other areas of life off the mat.

Practicing each pose in a precise sequence while receiving personal attention from Shiraz, provides an organized learning method that is safe and steadfast.

Pattabhi Jois developed and refined Ashtanga yoga after translating ancient texts on the technique. He says it is "medicine for the mind, helping many people throughout the world to balance the mental, physical and spiritual pressures and stresses posed by the modern world we live in today."

Your Teacher: - Shiraz Haq

Having discovered yoga whilst training as an actor, the discipline soon became an intrinsic part of Shiraz’s life. He teaches astanga and vinyasa flow across centres in north west London, as he undergoes training with triyoga under the pupilage of Jean Hall and Mimi Kuo Deemer - a BWY and Yoga Alliance accredited teacher program. Shiraz is due to complete his training in May 2019.

Originally studying psychology, he is known for attention to detail and sensitive adjustment, tailoring to the many varying individual needs on any given day. Through adherence to given traditions with a respect for modern refinements, his sequencing of postures challenges students to explore the boundaries of their extension in line with conscious awareness. Cultivating a sense of being present with focus on breath and strong alignment, his classes bring together asana, mindfulness and meditation.

When?: Thursdays 7.30am
Where?: Harrow Arts Centre - in the new Roxeth Studio
Price?: £10 a class with a term pass

We look forward to meeting you on the mat!

- Namaste -
Isabelle and Shiraz

07990 820112


Respira Yoga London is thrilled to bring you a selection of Boutique Yoga Retreats taking place in stunning country side locations throughout the south of England. Step away from the frenetic pace of life and join us.


Harrow Arts Centre Harrow Arts Centre, 171 Uxbridge Rd, HA5, UK Pinner


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