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CompanyHAA Festival // contemporary dance

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CompanyHAA Festival // contemporary dance

De EUR 10,00


Múltiples franjas horarias

7 junio 2019 - 9 junio 2019


We CompanyHAA invite you to a festival of three evenings.
A Tasty Dish of sights, sounds, smells & spicy encounters,
Bon Apetit !!

Fr-So/ 07.-09. Juni
Performances start at 20.30 h
Entrance 19.30 h
Online pre-sales until June 7th at 6pm/ Vorverkauf bis zum 07.06. um 18 Uhr

Spazio Rado - Aukio 

Spazio Rado - Aukio reflects on the concept of home through different perspectives. An inner space, that allows freedom and choice for personal truth, or on the other hand a space of built security and attachment. A place where our wild nature exposes its needs, calling for depth, listening and vulnerability. A bright light that emerges from the thick and dark, an open space in the dense woods. Working in a zone of transition, where imagination and reality blend, the performers create an intimate landscape of sound, movement and light. 

Annukka Hirvonen
Roberta Ricci

Michael Thieke




We view violence not necessarily as a conscious destructive action but rather a side effect of deterritorialization. The violation of intimacy.
Smell.Me.Odinary.Piece questions societies view on instinctive desire and It's fear of sharing territory.
It is reflecting on the stage leading up to the physical violation, where violence is still seductive and dangerous at the same time.

Justyna Kalbarzcyk
Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen 


Lengh // 50-60 min. 



On The Art Of Murmuration

ON THE ART OF MURMURATION is inspired by birds behavioral phenomena called murmuration, exhibited when hundreds of starlings, fly together in the sky. It is presumed, it is a way of birds to protect themselves from predators, who get frightened by an ever-changing shape of the block and its unexpected way of moving. Annika and Justyna recreate this phenomenon by working with 'invisible dancers’ and by following the research of Craig Reynolds, who in 1986 developed Boids Algorithm. An artificial life program which simulated swarms behavior, used, among others, by Disney to animate ants. The complexity of the performance arose from 3 simple rules applied to every individual involved in the group, which are: separation, alignment, and cohesion.

Justyna Kalbarczyk

Annika Dörr
​Justyna Kalbarczyk

Johann Pachelbel Canon in D

Lengh // 9 min. 

SISTERS - Harvesting Insects

Two likeminded runaways find each other in a contemplation of fragile joy, forces tear them apart as they find back together but lastly, the inner demons of the past rip them apart.

SISTERS is a dance film in the widest sense. Shot in a cinema verité style, the film language is meandering between art, dance and narrative.

Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen
Tania Giovo

Valquire Velkovic

Lengh // 40 min

im Acker Stadt Palast
Ackerstraße 169/170, Berlin
Tickets: One Night 13€ / 10 € (ermäßigt); Festival Pass 3 Nights 25€ 

Ein begrenztes Kontingent an Karten ist an der Abendkasse verfügbar (geöffnet ab 19 Uhr) / 
A limited amount of tickets will be available at the door (open from 19pm)

Es gilt die Tanzcard


Ort für übergreifende Kunst insbesondere zwischen aktueller Tanz, Performance, Musik und Theater in Berlin-Mitte.


Acker Stadt Palast Acker Stadt Palast, Ackerstraße 169, Berlin, Deutschland, 10115 Berlin


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