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Der Seher – Dokumentarfilm von Lars Muhl mit Q&A online am nächsten Tag

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Der Seher – Dokumentarfilm von Lars Muhl mit Q&A online am nächsten Tag

Alkaen EUR 14.00



24 Touko 2023 06:00 - 25 Touko 2023 20:00


This is a documentary film in English with German speak from 2019 by Lars Muhl.

    After buying tickets an online event page will be visible for you. Enter the online event page on May 24. to see the film. You will have access to the film from 6am to 11pm central European time. Also on this page you will get the link to the Q&A Zoom-meeting with Lars Muhl on May 25. from 7pm-8pm central European time.

    Look under my tickets on your Billetto profile.
    You can find a link to the event you have bought under the field my tickets. That link will take you to another page with information about the registered event.

    Description of the film:

    A rare and beautiful documentary by Lars Muhl about his spiritual mentor Calle de Montségur, also known as the Seer.

    The Seer, Calle de Montsegúr, was capable of not only diagnosing and curing people with distant healing, no matter where they were on the globe, but was also able to read ‘The Book of Life’, where the destiny of mankind is recorded.

    Lars Muhl became an apprentice to The Seer after he healed Lars from a debilitating long-term illness that no doctor could diagnose. The film is based on unique footage of The Seer recorded by Lars when they first met in 1998, and covers the three years Lars was an apprentice to The Seer.

    This is an intimate first-hand account of The Seer in his element at the sacred mountain of Montsegur in southwestern France. We are with him in his home in Fuengirola in southern Spain as he is treating patients with distant healing. Some of the film footage is filmed with a hidden camera. The film is an opportunity to journey with Lars through his initiations by one of the most important healers of our time. The Seer shares several messages vital to understanding the current state of the world and changing the status quo.

    NB: Ticket purchases are binding, but can be transferred to someone else - see the page "How do I transfer tickets to a friend?"


    Sacred Seed v/ Lars Muhl, Naleea Landmann 

    Lars er forfatter, mystiker og musiker.

    Har siden 1965, sideløbende med musikalsk virke, studeret sammenlignende religion og filosofi, og har siden 1988 specialiseret sig i aramæisk, samt kristen og jødisk mystik.

    Lars og Naleea afholder foredrags- og kursusvirksomhed i ind- og udland


    Sacred Seed w/ Lars Muhl, Naleea Landmann

    Lars is a writer, mystic and musician.
    Since 1965, alongside his musical work, he has studied comparative religion and philosophy, and since 1988 he has specialized in Aramaic, as well as Christian and Jewish mysticism.

    Lars & Naleea is doing lectures and courses at home and abroad.

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