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double bill: Rhizome & BEFORE WE DIE

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double bill: Rhizome & BEFORE WE DIE

De EUR 10,00


Múltiples franjas horarias

30 octubre 2019 - 31 octubre 2019


Justyna Kalbarczyk & Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen + Philip Kevin Brehse


Rhizome- theory, and research that allows for multiple, non- hierarchical entry and exit points in data representation and interpretation. History as a map or wide array of attractions and influences with no specific origins or genesis: no beginning, or end; always in the middle, between things. Favoring a nomadic system of growth and propagation. Ongoing deterritorialization. Pure intensities. 

Choreography & Performance
Justyna Kalbarczyk

Deleuze & Guattari "A Thousand Plateaus”


The past is Present, The future is a myth, The only thing we know for sure is that we will die.

“Before we Die” is about 2 people stuck in time, they are The last, the lost and the only two left on earth. 
Chaos & explosions have left them in a quiet desert of thoughts and memories. 
They can not choose with whom and what they live, they only have each other. 

In the search for a path to walk together, they discover the inherent need to connect to the other. 
They are Solitude & Twosome, young and old, tragic and absurd, cheerful and grotesque. 
Ask each other “are you ready to die?”

“Before we Die” reflects on the fear that we might not all have the possibility to age, as the world is becoming a less suitable host for human kind. 

Concept & Performance 
Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen 
Philip Kevin Brehse

Turi Agostino / ODD xx


Ort für übergreifende Kunst insbesondere zwischen aktueller Tanz, Performance, Musik und Theater in Berlin-Mitte.


Acker Stadt Palast Acker Stadt Palast, Ackerstraße 169, Berlin, Deutschland, 10115 Berlin


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