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king of NOThing & Devour

l'evento è terminato

king of NOThing & Devour

Da EUR 10,00


Fasce orarie multiple

19 Ottobre 2019 - 20 Ottobre 2019


Portraits series
Untamed Productions

Sa+So/ 19.+20. Oktober/ 20h
Open doors 19h
Online pre-sales (until 2 hours before start)/ Vorverkauf (bis zum 2 Stunden vor Beginn)
ohne Sprache

Photo © Arjan Hendrickx

Portrait 1: king of NOThing 2

A solo choreographed and performed by Ricardo Ambrózio, the driving role behind the 40 portraits project.
The ashes and rebirth of a man through the changes in time, society and the discovery of himself to the point of vanishing. An essay about loneliness in a crowd and the creative impulse generated by the emptiness.

Length: ca. 20 min.

Concept, Creation, interpretation Ricardo Ambrózio Light design Arjan Hendrickx Co- production Ilú Dança Teatro special thanks to Ilú association, Acker Stadt Palast Berlin

An Untamed production

Portrait 2: Devour 1

‘Devour’ is a collaborative work between Untamed Productions (Belgium) and KNOT Kollektiv (The Netherlands) exploring the human lust for destruction. Featuring Ali Clarke and Ricardo Ambrózio the duet examines the concept of Thanatos, or the death drive, a term used to describe the opposite of Eros, our natural instinct to live. While survival instinct pushes us towards reproduction, safety and human contact, Thanatos moves humans to engage in risky and self-destructive behaviours. This natural drive we all possess edges us towards acts of aggression, self-harm, and thrill seeking.

The duo looks closely at the human desire for destruction through raw and powerful images carved out in the bodies of the performers. Looking at the tendency for self-destruction, or the desire to consume those in our paths the duo tears apart the image of perfection which surrounds humans in modern society where this rage and drive to destroy is repressed. Is destruction a part of human nature? Is it as much an instinct as survival? Or have we created this tendency through our societal evolution?

“It must be nice to feel so safe you have to invent new ways to put yourself in danger.”
- Rudy Fransisco -

Length: ca. 25 min.

Concept, Creation, interpretation Ali Clarke, Ricardo Ambrózio Light design Arjan Hen- drickx Co-production Ilú Dança Teatro special thanks to Ilú association, Acker Stadt Palast Berlin

An Untamed production

Contact booking & production : Martina R. Ambrozio
Phone: +32470479201 / +351 961 894 017

19.+20. Oktober 2019 um 20 Uhr
im Acker Stadt Palast
Ackerstraße 169/170, Berlin
Tickets: 15€ / 10 € (ermäßigt) 
Online pre-sales/ Vorverkauf: hier
Ein begrenztes Kontingent an Karten ist an der Abendkasse verfügbar (geöffnet ab 19 Uhr) / 
A limited amount of tickets will be available at the door (open from 19pm)

Es gilt die Tanzcard


Ort für übergreifende Kunst insbesondere zwischen aktueller Tanz, Performance, Musik und Theater in Berlin-Mitte.

Luogo dell'evento

Acker Stadt Palast Acker Stadt Palast, Ackerstraße 169, Berlin, Deutschland, 10115 Berlin


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