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Macht Kritisch(es) Theater: Can Theatre Act On Climate Justice?

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Macht Kritisch(es) Theater: Can Theatre Act On Climate Justice?

De EUR 0,00



Abr 19 2023 19:00 - 21:00


(Main language will be English, with the option to switch to German if needed.)

Theatre is part of the climate crisis and its power structures. This view increasingly motivates performing artists to identify with the climate justice movement. They act as activists, claim stages and streets. What works, needs and conflicts emerge in this process, and how are they connected to traditions, privileges, and their disruption? This event invites activists, artists, friends and critics to collectively negotiate the political agency of theatre in the climate crisis.

Hosted by the collective Klasse Klima, the evening will begin with a discussion of their seminar “Acting on Climate Justice”, which linked theatre and activism. The bottom-up seminar was held weekly at UdK last, winter while radical climate protests spread across Berlin, and ended with a controversial public performance. A narration of this intense journey will kick off the event, before all guests will be invited to engage and to bring up their own visions and questions. The discussion will be structured through a series of participatory performative experiments led by Klasse Klima. The event will be a space to practice solidarity for all those reflecting and acting on climate justice.



Since 2018, our series "Macht Kritisch(es) Theater" has opened the stage for structural reflections on power relations in theater companies. The past panel discussions and workshops of the series brought up topics such as social exclusivity, the anti-racism clause, and, pandemic-related, the resonances of theater and digital space.


Dies ist der Online-Ticketshop des Berliner Ringtheaters!

Das Berliner Ringtheater Macht Kritisch(es) Theater. Es ist ein Produktionsort, an dem gesellschaftskritische Neue Dramatik und performative Darstellungsformen zur Aufführung kommen. Seit 2017 ermöglichen wir jungen Theatermacher*innen Raum für ihre Themen, Formate und Arbeitsweisen und unterstützen sie in ihren Vorhaben durch eine heterarchische Infrastruktur.


Berliner Ringtheater, Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin


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