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**Postponed** Shamans of Sound | Vocal Meditation

Evento cancelado

**Postponed** Shamans of Sound | Vocal Meditation

De EUR 39.00


Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserve com confiança: a Billetto assegura o reembolso de eventos cancelados, garantindo a sua tranquilidade. Saber mais



Gretchen, Obentrautstraße 19-21, 10963, Berlin

May 12 | Doors : 18:00

Tickets | Early bird 39€ | Presale1 45€ | Presale2 55€

** Soli ticket- if financially this is a hard time for you and you want to join the concert, please contact us at for the solidarity ticket.

A taste of past events:

Vocal Meditation

The voice is a musical instrument with a seemingly unlimited ability to resonate with the depths of the human soul.

Its wonders lie not only in the amazing range of pitch and tone but also in the ability to convey deep emotions that transcend cultural boundaries. Its subtleties can evoke a wide range of emotions and unfold the nuances of the human experience with authenticity and transformative qualities.

Meditation allows us to go inside ourselves and simply be present witnesses for everything that is.

Practicing presence and attention to this present moment enables a deep connection with the intricacies of sound.

We are thrilled to present a first-of-its kind evening, combining the art of the voice with various meditation techniques.

The wonderful space of the Gretchen Club will be designed to allow comfortable collective deep diving.

* a collective deep dive immersive Journey into mindfulness

Throughout the evening, we will listen to three musical masters and extraordinary vocal artists interwoven

with renowned facilitators from the spiritual and cultural world offering techniques for connection, presence, and deep listening.

The evening holds a clear invitation to let go and surrender—allowing the magic to happen by itself!

Stay tuned -the unique line up of artists and facilitators will be announced soon!

** Refund Policy: A full refund will be issued in case of cancellation up to 60 days prior to the event only. After that no refunds will be possible. Ticket swaps are possible at any time. Please make sure to arrive with a scannable ticket at hand.


Berlin based music management, production and booking team.

Our roster consists of amazing artists weaving music in the realms of conscious/ medicine and world music, sacred prayers and mantras to ecstatic, tribal sonic journeys.

We produce different types of events reanging from big music festivals to smaller gatherings, transformational heart spaces, ceremonies and retreats around the world.
No matter the size, location and theme, we put our hearts as well as our minds into every event we do, bringing creativity, devotion, professional approach and good vibe.


Gretchen, Obentrautstraße 19-21, 10963 Berlin


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