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Sat, April 27, Luxembourg Comedy Showcase

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Sat, April 27, Luxembourg Comedy Showcase

Von 16,00 EUR



27. April 2019, 21:15 Uhr - 23:00


This is where you buy earlybird and advance tickets for the Saturday, April 27 Luxembourg English Comedy Showcase - with more stand-up comedy acts coming to perform in English for you in Luxembourg.

This show welcomes headline acts Daniel Muggleton (Australia) and Serine Ayari (Tunisia) + MC host Joe Eagan (Canada)


Earlybird tickets! 16eur (save 9eur off the door price) - only 60 earlybird tickets available. On sale until Apr 20 noon, or earlier if sell out. 

Advance tickets are 20eur per person 

(both prices includes all Billetto ticket site fees)

Door price is otherwise 25eur per person without buying here online

Print out or show your ticket on your phone.

Group of 4 or more? email lux@internationalcomedians.com for a promo group rate.

Eating guests can reserve a table to eat by calling +352 48 12 17. You must book a table time and arrive by 20,15 to get food orders in before the show. 

When: Sat, Apr 27, showtime 21,15 (entry to comedy room from 19,30 or later for eating guests, from 20,00 or later for non-eating guests)

Where: Marionnette, 15 rue de Strasbourg, Luxembourg

(map: http://goo.gl/maps/Frm6h)

Daniel Muggleton (Australia)
Australian comedian Daniel Muggleton’s blunt and honest stand-up is a breath of fresh air for audiences. Despite sold-out shows at festivals worldwide, being the first Australian to be produced by Grammy-award winning US label Comedy Dynamics and a couple of appearances on TV (The Feed, The Checkout) – he still breathes through his mouth. ‘His observations stay just this side of affectionate’ (BroadwayBaby.com). 'A show of nonstop of laughs' (ThePlusOnes.com).

Serine Ayari (Tunisia) - Charming in every sense of the word - twisted comedy that will tickle your funnybone and leave you smiling all the way home. A rising star on continental Europe, this is Serine's first visit to Luxembourg!

Hosted By: InternationalComedians.com

Questions/Newsletter sign-up for future shows: lux@internationalcomedians.com


Showcase, Sat, May 18 with Dave Green (UK), Jilberto Soto (USA) & More! 

****THURS, JUNE 13**** - 1st Annual Premium Showcase at Utopia Cinema! - with MC Christian Schulte Loh (Germany), Alice Frick (Austria), Keith Farnan (Ireland), March Lucont (France) & Phil Nichol (Canada). 39eur advance, 45eur door, two person earlybird ticket 60eur. Info and earlybird tickets: 


Like us and stay updated about Showcase, Open Mic & other shows happening in Luxembourg!

Hire comics for company events/parties and OUR NEW AFTERWORK COMEDY AND QUIZ GAMES - WE COME TO YOUR OFFICE! CHALLENGE YOUR COLLEAGUES IN TEAMS FOR PRIZES FOR 1, 1.5 OR 2 HRS! FOR 8 - 64 PEOPLE: see: www.internationalcomedians.com



Welcome to InternationalComedians.com - we run monthly comedy clubs throughout Europe and also offer Stand-up Comedy and Quiz & Games offerings for corporate events, conferences and parties. Find out more at www.internationalcomedians.com 


Marionnette Marionnette, 15 Rue Strasbourg, 2561 Luxembourg-City


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