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SHOVELIN STONE (US) Old Time Bluegrass - Indie Folk

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SHOVELIN STONE (US) Old Time Bluegrass - Indie Folk

De EUR 12,00



Abr 15 2022 20:00 - Abr 16 2022 02:00



With roots embedded in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, and a sound unhinged in the capital of Texas, Shovelin Stone is a music almost as unique as the friendship it stems from. A shared passion for old-timey bluegrass is what brought Makenzie and Zak together, but it’s the unknowing joy for the moment and the obsession with the complications that life brings that continues to push the duo forward. Within heartfelt lyrics and a unique musical composition the indie folk sound that projects from these two is not only going to get the audience thinking but on their feet. 

With the addition of multi talented bassist and cellist Russick Smith, Shovelin Stone just put out their first self titled album recorded by Grammy winning producer PJ Olsson of the Alan Parsons Project, in his state of the art recording studio in beautiful Winter Park, Colorado. And this power trio is eager to spread the word. With songs about longing, love, and the hunger to be heard in this big world it is hard not to relate to these three on their quest for success. The road is winding but one thing is for sure that with these three at the wheel it’s going to be a wild ride. The band recently added a fulltime drummer to their line-up, so expect an even thicker sound on stage.

Pic by Chris Medina


Makenzie Willox- Lead Singer, Guitar, harmonica.
Zak Thrall- Banjo, background vocals, kick drum.
Russick Smith- Electric Bass, Cello, mandolin, background vocals.
Brett Throgmorton- Drums/percussion

Einlass 20 Uhr - Beginn 21 Uhr - Tickets 12 € - Abendkasse 14€


Live-Konzerte im Woid - im Sommer treten Bands auf 5 verschiedenen Open Air Bühnen auf... am Badesee des Adventure Camp Schnitzmühle (Viechtach), auf der Burgruine Runding, am Steinhof in Zell (Roding),   am Drachensee bei Furth im Wald und auf dem Vorplatz beim Alten Spital in Viechtach

Sobald es draußen zu kühl wird, gibt es  Konzerte im Alten Spital Viechtach und im Bahnhof Kötzting.

Infos auf


Altes Spital Altes Spital, Spitalgasse 5, 94234 Viechtach


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