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Yoga 4 Complete Beginners 6.15pm Tuesdays

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Yoga 4 Complete Beginners 6.15pm Tuesdays

De EUR 12,00


Múltiples franjas horarias

12 Marzo 2019 - 17 diciembre 2019


Interested in trying yoga but not sure where to start? Know someone who is?

By joining Isabelle in these classes you will learn all of the basics that you need to safely and confidently practice yoga, in a fun and friendly environment.

It will transform your body and calm your mind.

Come and see!

Perfect for anyone who would like a head start on their own personal yoga journey or for those who are simply curious about yoga. Suited to men and women of all ages and fitness levels, this course will leave you feeling energized, inspired and motivated to make yoga a part of your everyday life.

It is well known that yoga practitioners tend to live long, happy, balanced and healthy lives. So kick-off 2019 the right way. Book now and get ready to start your journey of self-exploration, living well and becoming more present in your life!

Full Details & Book here.

When: Tuesday's 6.15pm - 7.20pm
Where: Whitmore School, Harrow
Price: £10 per class

Your Yoga Teacher:​
Isabelle Sagra - Respira Yoga London Founder

A yoga experience with Isabelle is deeply affecting, soothing, therapeutic and a blissful journey for all of the senses, involving movement, breath, mindfulness and aromatherapy to bring complete surrender. She strongly believes that yoga is for everyone and that the benefits of this ancient practice can be experienced by every body, of any age or fitness level.
Isabelle is passionate about sharing yoga, making it accessible, enjoyable and an integral part of people's lives as she understands first-hand the power of yoga and how it can bring release, happiness and inner harmony.

She first came to yoga over 20 years ago finding that yoga brought a sense of clarity and calm to her overworked body and mind and that time spent on the mat gave her the chance to re-connect with her inner-self.

Her early training in classical ballet and later immersion in Latin dance has given her an intuitive understanding of the body and movement allowing her to recognize the unique patterns in different bodies. It is this passion for music and dance that allows Isabelle to create mindful flowing sequences set to evocative music, that are graceful and focused, moving meditations, synchronising breath with movement.

We look forward to meeting you on the mat

- Namaste -
Isabelle and the Respira Yoga Team


Respira Yoga London is thrilled to bring you a selection of Boutique Yoga Retreats taking place in stunning country side locations throughout the south of England. Step away from the frenetic pace of life and join us.


Whitmore High School Whitmore High School, Porlock Ave, HA2 0AD Harrow


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